
From Star Wars Erotica Wiki
This article details a subject considered part of erotica canon
This article details a subject considered part of erotica canon
Biographical information


Physical description




Chronological, political, and sexual history

Resistance Era[2]


Takodana Castle[1]

"You want a couple Eblas?"
―Plotina, to Kix and RevethA Clone of His Own

Plotina was a female Wokrom with four breasts, who worked as a bawdy barmaid in Maz Kanata's castle on Takodana. She served Kix and Reveth during their stay in the castle prior to the Battle of Takodana.


"More than one former Takodana patron has voiced their appreciation for Maz Kanata's choice of wait staff—the bustier the better!"
―Comment in the Graf Archive's The Essential Guide to Interspecies RelationsStar Wars Erotica: The Essential Guide to Interspecies Relations

Plotina[3] was conceived and born on Ile-de-Muireall on Insmot, home of Clan Muireall.[1] The four-breasted Wokrom female worked as a barmaid in Maz Kanata's castle on Takodana around the time of the battle between First Order and Resistance forces.[2] Several of Kanata's patrons voiced their approval of the busty and bawdy waitress.[1]

The Dowutin big-game hunter Grummgar briefly considered her as a potential trophy while she walked past during his visit to the castle after his hunting mission to Rakata Prime, but he ultimately settled on Bazine Netal.[2] Plotina served the pirates Kix and Reveth when Sidon Ithano and the crew of the Meson Martinet visited the castle, offering them a couple of Ebla beers, though Kix recalled the drink tasting like warm Cathar piss on their last visit, and ordered a Coronet Classic and a lum ale from the barmaid. She departed to fulfill his order, returning from the bar with his drinks, and afterwards cleared their table when the couple ventured into the castle underlevels for a tryst.[3]

Behind the scenes[edit]

This character first appeared in Das Flute's 2016 erotica canon fiction "The Perfect Trophy" as an unidentified Wokrom barmaid. His later work, "A Clone of His Own", also featured the barmaid, identifying her as "Plotina".



Notes and references[edit]