Henrietya Antilles

From Star Wars Erotica Wiki
This article details a subject considered part of erotica canon
This article details a subject considered part of erotica canon
Henrietya "Corellia" Antilles
Biographical information


Physical description

Human (Corellian)[1]



Chronological, political, and sexual history


Sexual orientation


Sexual partners

"More than just a knockoff CA."
―Chelli Aphra, comparing herself to Corellia AntillesThe Living Legend

Henrietya Antilles, better known as Corellia Antilles and nicknamed Henri, was a Corellian Human female doctor and a Professor of Xenoarchaeology at the University of Coruscant. She had adventures with Han Solo and studied under Professor Skynx at the University of Ruuria. In later years she reminisced over Solo's death in the wake of the Hosnian Cataclysm, and nursed a hatred for the First Order.


Early life and exploits[edit]

"Look, here's the facts: Me an' Henri have had some escapades over the years. Maybe we've disrupted an ancient alien civilization or two, but who hasn't? If you're looking for truth, you'll have to ask her. Shouldn't be hard—she talks in her sleep."
―Han SoloThe Essential Guide to Erotica Characters

Henrietya was born to an unorthodox[1] father who didn't raise her traditionally, and grew up to become a doctor and adventurer. As a teenager, she believed that, were the Galactic Republic to suffer a massive attack, her reaction would not be one of reminiscence. She found appeal in drinking, holovids, and the resultant after-holo "chilling" that came from such encounters. She was mentored by the historian Professor Skynx after he found Xim the Despot's lost treasure ship Queen of Ranroon with the smuggler Han Solo and became Sava of the University of Ruuria. Antilles completed her postdoc under him on Ruuria, at a time when Skynx had molted into the chroma-wing stage of his lifecycle. Henrietya would keep up with his politician daughter Amisus in later years,[2] having a relationship with her.[1]

Taking the name of her homeworld as her alias, "Corellia" Antilles embarked on a career as a bounty hunter of antiquities,[1] and found an unscrupulous rival in the form of Doctor Chelli Lona Aphra, who considered herself "more than just a knockoff CA". Corellia herself carried a lightwhip in a holster on her hip, using it to battle her enemies over the years. The swashbuckling retro holovid Corellia Antilles and the Fate of Millinar was loosely based on her life.[2]

Corellia became aware of Han Solo via holovids based on his life, such as Han Solo and the Pirates of Kessel, which were compared against her own vids by students on college campuses. He used his skills to help her recover an ancient Mytag crystal skull of Xim the Despot from the Pryce family after it was collected from a Coruscant security hangar by Arihnda Pryce. Although the Pryces were reluctant to part with the priceless piece, Antilles and Solo recovered it and evaded Doctor Aphra. While Chelli had been hired to recover the rare art piece for a mysterious alien admiral in the Unknown Regions, her rivals agreed that it belonged in a museum.[2] Antilles and Solo also searched for the Gree Khoz'zhak, and the Ryloth Ark for Maz Kanata. They held a strong affinity for one another, and occasionally celebrated death-defying exploits by making love.[1]

Later life[edit]

During the New Republic Era, Doctor Antilles donated a number of historical antiquities to the Imperial Museum.[3]

Antilles later worked as a Professor of Xenoarchaeology, maintaining an office at the University of Coruscant satellite campus on Coruscant. In the wake of the Hosnian Cataclysm, Coruscant was plunged into chaos as citizens panicked over the galactic turmoil, and Corellia's university classes were officially canceled for the immediate period. She wondered if the children born in the aftermath would be known as defeat kids, in the way children born following the Battle of Endor were referred to as victory kids, though hoped they would likewise support the Resistance as the victory kid generation was. She received news of Han Solo's death aboard Starkiller Base, and her students watched copies of Han Solo and the Pirates of Kessel beamed over the campus quad while drinking alcohol from his commemorative Han Solo Cups. Corellia reminisced over Han and days gone by in the CoCo Town annex of the Galactic Museum after it was looted, and received a message from Amisus on Ruuria. Learning that the Ruurians intended on surrendering to the First Order, Corellia reached for her lightwhip in her hatred for the regime.[2]


In her old age Henrietya reminisced over times long past, and fondly recalled adventures with Han Solo in her youth. She felt a strong affinity towards Solo, feeling as if she "knew" him even before encountering him thanks to holovids such as Han Solo and the Pirates of Kessel, similar to holos of her own life. She saw the appeal of drinking and "chilling" with acquaintances, and hoped future generations would support the Resistance against the First Order, retaining optimism even during the chaos and despair following the Hosnian Cataclysm. She hated the First Order, and her instinct was to reach for her lightwhip upon hearing word of them.[2]

Behind the scenes[edit]

Corellia Antilles first appeared in the Star Wars Adventure Journals as a homage to the Lucasfilm character Indiana Jones, and was later identified as Henrietya Antilles. She was introduced into erotica canon in a scene in Das Flute's 2018 erotic fiction "The Living Legend", which likewise made several references to the Indiana Jones franchise.



Notes and references[edit]

External links[edit]