Delia Leighton

From Star Wars Erotica Wiki
This article details a subject considered part of erotica canon
This article details a subject considered part of erotica canon
Delia Leighton
Physical description




Hair color


Chronological, political, and sexual history
Sexual partners

Delia Leighton was a redheaded female captain who owned the wandering cantina Miss Fortune. She had dalliances with Han Solo and Chewbacca during their smuggling career, and later indulged her taste for strong and furry lovers in a partnership with the muscular Shistavanen Curtis. She reunited with Solo and Chewbacca during the era of the Resistance, and spent a final night with Solo a short time before his death.


Early life and exploits[edit]

A sparky girl, Delia hung out with Captain Han Solo and Chewbacca during the height of their smuggling career, before a deal with Jabba Desilijic Tiure went sour,[2] and at a time when Chewie met and experimented with many alluring Human women.[1] Working as a barmaid,[4] she owned a wandering cantina named Miss Fortune, and Chewie discovered that her tastes ran to the strong, silent, and furry types. She proved to be a feisty lay for the Wookiee aboard her vessel, and was also enjoyed by Solo himself[2] during one of his many dalliances with barmaids and starport girls[4] in one-night stands in the wake of Qi'ra's betrayal.[6] Solo, encouraging the Wookiee's libido, shared Delia with him as a mutual conquest.[7]

Chewie later reminisced over Delia following the Royal Award Ceremony on Yavin 4, considering her along with other girls Han hung out with, including Jenny, Qi'ra, and Sarla, and compared her to Leia Organa when the princess began flirting with him. As of this time, Leighton again indulged her taste for strong and furry lovers[2] by engaging in a partnership with her muscular Shistavanen bouncer Curtis. Delia assisted Han and Chewie in their mission to rescue Caluan Ematt from Cyrkon.[5] She remained shacked up with her Shistavanen lover some four years later when Chewie again recalled her strength during a visit to the glory hole in the Rebel base on 5251977.[8]

Later years[edit]

In later years Delia continued to captain her wandering cantina, now renamed Serendipity, alongside her longtime partner Curtis, and hired a new waitress, Haza, whom she and Curtis both sampled often.[5] She once again crossed paths with Solo and her old flame Chewbacca prior to the pair becoming involved with the Resistance,[1] in the period when Solo had returned to his roots as a smuggler.[4] She helped he and Chewie dodge a trio of mercenaries led by Strater and sent by Gannis Ducain, and spent one more night with Solo after sending the troublemakers packing.[5]

She learned of his death a short time later, and reminisced over her lover aboard her wandering cantina while docked on Avery. She helped herself to a bottle of Bost, and wondered if something had been off about Han during their final encounter, or if she was simply projecting her current sadness onto her recollections of the lucky smuggler.[5]


Delia was a female with red hair[2] which lost some of its color in later years.[5] She was sparky and feisty, and had a predilection for strong, silent, and furry lovers including Chewbacca and Curtis, the muscular Shistavanen she entered into a partnership with.[2] She also had female lovers, including her waitress Haza.[5] Chewie considered her among some of the strongest women he knew.[8] Delia kept the bartenders' rule of not drinking her own supply, although indulged in a bottle of Bost on a slow night following Han Solo's death.[5]

Behind the scenes[edit]

Delia Leighton first appeared in the 2014 canon junior novel Smuggler's Run: A Han Solo & Chewbacca Adventure. She was brought into erotica canon with mentions in Kooriv's The Essential Guide to Erotica Characters and "The Wookiee and the Princess", and appeared in Das Flute's "The Living Legend".



Notes and references[edit]

External links[edit]